HSE - Health, Safety and Environment

Modern occupational safety and health legislation usually demands that a risk assessment be carried out prior to making an intervention.

This assessment should:

- Identify and evaluate the hazards.
- Identify all affected by the hazard and how.
- Identify and prioritize appropriate control measures.

Duties of employers:

- provide and maintain workplaces, offices, plant and equipments that do not expose employees to hazards.
- supply information, instruction, training and supervision so that employees are not exposed to hazards while they are working.
- consult and co-operate with employees and health and safety representatives with periodical meeting on health and safety matters.
- supply adequate personal protective clothing and equipment where it is not practicable to avoid the presence of hazards. - make arrangements for the safe use, cleaning, maintenance, transportation and disposal of substances, machinery and equipment used in the workplace.

Duties of employees:

- take care to protect their own safety and health and that of others.
- co-operate with their employer on safety and health matters especially they must promptly notifying to him any situation at the workplace that could be a hazard, and that they cannot correct themselves.
- follow safety instructions and training provided.
- use and look after the protective equipment provided (Safety Helmet, Safety Goggles, Safety Ear Muff, Safety Shoes and Safety Hand Gloves,..).

Duties of manufacturers, suppliers, designers, ...

- design and make machinery and equipment so that people using it as directed are not exposed to hazards.
- provide information on how to use the machinery and equipment safely (safety helmet boots or shoe, ear defenders and ear plugs, goggles, safety jackets, ..).

What does Italian law say in this matter?

The legislative Decree 626/94 does impose duties upon senior managers, supervisors and workers, the principal duties are imposed upon the employer.
In most legislation, when a business is incorporated, it is the legal entity of the company which is the employer.
However in Italy, the employer will never be a company but rather a natural person within it.
The Legislative Decree no. 626/94 was completely incorporated in the so-called Consolidated Safety Jobs (Legislative Decree no. 81/2008), in turn, later complemented by Decree. No 106 of August 3, 2009 with corrective and supplementary provisions. The rules contained in the so-called "corrective decree" entered into force August 20, 2009.